Founding Members

Refer one paying Elite member, and get your next 3-month Elite Membership for free!

Your membership will not automatically renew. To continue your Elite Membership after your free 3-month Elite membership you will have to either refer another new paying member or purchase an Elite Membership.

♡ You will keep your Founding Member title forever, as well as my gratitude, and get occasional Founding Member perks. ♡

How it works

  1. Post this link: (it’s a 50% off discount link, to make it easy for you – and you are allowed to sign up yourself with this link) on social media and send it to people who might be interested. Or get your own unique referral link from
  2. Your free Elite Membership will start when someone has joined the Elite Membership with your unique referral link, or via the link mentioning you
    If several people join the Elite Membership via your link you will get 3 additional free months of Elite Membership for each member you have referred (you are not guaranteed to get more than 12 months of Elite Membership for free)
  3. Enjoy your free Elite Membership, and Founding Member title!

Click here to view the membership levels!

Welcome to contact me at

Cecilia Elise Wallin, Inventicity

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