How to Speak to Your Customer’s Pain Points
Examples of How to Rephrase the Customer’s Pain Points
Hi, I’m Cecilia Elise Wallin, from Here I will give some suggestions on how you can rephrase your customer’s pain points/problems. I don’t like talking about the customer’s pain points. I don’t like the word pain points. I prefer the word problems. In this video, I explain why.
A Lot of People Have the Problem You are Solving
I would like to rephrase this common phrase how to speak to your prospective customer’s pain points to how to help your customer – how to show your customer how you can help her or him. I don’t like the phrase pain points, because when I read ads or emails from companies where they ask me “are you struggling with [this and that]”, I feel repelled. I don’t want anyone to tell me that I am struggling.
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Put the Emphasis on How You Will Solve Your Customer’s Problems
The phrase “are you struggling with [this and that]” has negative connotations. Don’t use that phrase. Instead, maybe you can say that … let’s say that your prospective customers want to reach a larger audience … then you can say “a lot of people want to reach a larger audience and I have helped my customers to reach a larger audience and to thrive”. And then explain how you can help new customers. Yeah, so don’t use the phrase pain points – use the word problems.
Put the Emphasis on Your Customer’s Success
Don’t put too much emphasis on the problem. Put the emphasis on how you can help your customer. And on how the customer will feel when she or he has achieved her or his goals. Put the emphasis on the success, not on the problems. Put emphasis on how you will help your customer, and on how your customer will succeed. That’s all for this video. You’re welcome to subscribe, and click on the like button, and write the comments below. I hope you will watch more videos in this course Professional Copywriting Made easy. And yeah I look forward to seeing you in the next video! Bye.
© Cecilia Elise Wallin
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